Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Gargoyles

Is your house protected by Gargoyles? (even though, technically, Gargoyles are actually an architectural feature, designed to direct water from a roof, away from the sides of the building. The word originated from the French word, "gargouille" literally meaning "throat" or "gullet". ummm, booorring? In the interest to keep this blog "cool" or "rad" we're going to forget that Gargoyles are actually just fanciful gutters and remember that they actually protect the building (and therefore, the contents there in) from evil spirits.)

Cause my house is.

Meet Seldom.

He's one of our two kitties (his bro Oly will get a post of his own) that roams the house and terrorizes the flys and spiders of the interior, and sometimes birds - but mostly our chickens - of the exterior of the house.

He sometimes posts up and true to gargoyle style, keeps the place safe from evil for us. Here's the typical situation.

He'll start out a little something like this. Pretty chill, just watching, chilling, feeling the vibe.

He's tries one of these on.

A little of this...

Feels pretty good.

Evil spirits beware! I'm coming in HOT and you'd be smart to trot.

Gargoyle Seldom. This gargoyle situation can last up to, I dunno... 5-30min? Deanna, feel free to add your $0.02... But it's really rad.

But this is typically, what the whole situation leads to...
What a rough life. It's tough protecting the homestead. But someone's got to do it.


Deanna said...

That is the most rad post ever! Right now Seldom is in sleeping gargoyle position next to the front door....obviously helping protect the house this dreary eve!

Anonymous said...

How about Clemster and the sultry visits through the crack of an open window, I've some pics of that.

A very great post indeed! Almost makes me want to get a cat.

JM said...

I LOVE it! Seldom makes a great gargoyle -- definitely intimidating enough to protect the homestead :-)

Patrick said...

Deanna, Glad to hear Seldom hasn't shirked his duties while I've been away.

Alex, oh yes. Clem's post is forthcoming. I did not forget him. one blue, one yellow eye, always watching.

Joanna, Thanks! I'll be sure to tell Seldom when I see him next.