Friday, December 10, 2010

Fair Warning

OK everyone. Mark your calendars. This is huge news...

drum roll please.....

Bellingham Mountain Bike Festival - Galbraith Mountain, May 7th and 8th, 2011!!!!!!!!

An honest to god, cross-country mountain bicycle race on Galbraith Mountain. (really it's just a hill, but a very proud hill)
There is a SUPER D race on Sunday! There are no words to describe the awesomeness, and photos really don't do the place justice but here are some anyway. (if you click on the photos, they will get bigger and you'll see more neat details.)

Mt. Baker and the Twins..


Deanna said...

Well I guess I might be in alright shape to race that since it is only a couple weeks after the mudslinger!

Anonymous said...

Oh, man, it's a good thing it's not the same weekend and the Friends of Capital Forest Race, I totally can't wait to give them another $50 next year...
Patrick, any idea what the xc course will be like?

Mountain Goat said...

Hell ya! Might have to bust out a unitard and get my race on.

Patrick said...

Yes, and no racing in any other category except "open". :)

I was worried about the possible overlap. I think I might just start donating 50% of my paychecks to the Friends of Capital Forest. The next race is too far away for us not to give them money in the mean time...

Yes sir! Clown suits and dancing shoes should be the norm that weekend. See you in Bellingham in 2011.