I've got a debt to even up. One of these years, I'll get back on track. But as it sits right now, I'm down one summer and up one winter... A few years back Deanna and I went to New Zealand. It is a stunningly beautiful country and the people there are equally friendly. It was an amazing trip, and I wouldn't take it back for anything, but I can't tell you how hard it was for me to give up an entire summer, go back to winter just as it's starting to really get into summer weather in the Pacific Northwest. I love the heat. Summer is my favorite season, long days, hot weather. Energy everywhere.
2008 was a wetter, cooler spring then normal in Bellingham, then I left for winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Now, I know people who do this every year, follow the snow to the hemisphere where it's currently the cash crop. I'll be the first to tell you, I'm not and never will be one of those people. I like snow sports, they are fun, but I don't love them. The sports that I love, don't (usually) involve snow.
So I'm down a summer, my body and mind and soul are down on all that expected sunshine and energy that comes with it. En Zed was nice, exciting, new, strange, incredible. But it really made me realize, how badass this land is that I grew up (and continue to grow) in.
Some photos of our trip to En-Zed. It's summer there right now... (click photos, they get big)