Thursday, April 28, 2011

36hrs of Mudslinger

Last weekend was the 23rd Annual Peak Sports Mudslinger. It's a race I try to never miss if it can be helped. Back in high school the Mudslinger lay dormant for a few years. The promoter lost venue that was currently being used. My Junior and Senior years I put in a lot of hours of trail work out at the current course. And the best part is, at the time, I could ride my mountain bike from my house on Alsea Hwy, over the skirts of Marys Peak and ride the trails that are now used for the course, without ever seeing automobile!

It was a super quick trip. Luckily, three good pals joined me for the weekend! Logan Wetzel, Ben Rathkamp, and Whitney Anderson. It was quite a good bunch. So we all piled in the trusty 4runner and pointed it South.

Well, I won't bore anyone with details, but the 4Runner blew a headgasket and to get back home we had to refill the radiator 3-4times to keep her from over-heating.

Here's the 4Runner all loaded down. I know, she's a beauty in her old age. 277,000ish miles old that is.

But to the really great news, the race was amazing! Conditions were incredible, though not the conditions that the race was named for, it was still a super fun race. Here I must put in a few words about Race Director Mike Ripley. The dude knows how to put on a great race. check out his other races at The races he promotes are truly all about having a great time racing/riding your bike. Always timely, badass raffles, and it's my opinion that he wouldn't put on a race where the course doesn't kick ass. He's a rider too, and he know what to look for in a great race course. If anyone is curious about the race, there is the Test of Endurance50 miler that is held on the same trails, and then some, on June 19th. Check it out!

Race a good race and you should feel like this.

Results: Logan only won the damn thing, in front of fellow S&M Teammate Sean Babcock (2x Mudslinger champion). A sprint up the finishing hill was the only thing that could separate those two riders. I came in a few minutes behind them and another rider in 4th place. Ben smashed it! Dude came in 10th overall in his first mtb race. Nevermind that he's a super strong road and cyclocross racer. He is strong like buffalo. Whitney finished a super strong race in her large field of lady racers.

Ben shredding up Panama Canal. (Thanks to for the photo)

Finding my way down Panama Canal for the last time. (Thanks to for the photo)

Logan. shredder. (Thanks to for the photo) for more great photos! Although, I couldn't find one of Sean...

Mom and Allen just after the race. They were an amazing support group!

Logan, myself, and Ben; just after finishing.

Tall skinny white dude on the top step!

Since we'd be getting back to Bellingham late no matter what, we decided to enjoy the fruits of our location a bit and stopped in Portland for a beer and burger. It was incredible to say the least. We were beyond hungry, frankly, maybe getting a bit hangry.


Logan Wetzel said...

That was a killer weekend! Nice write-up!

R. Dodge said...

Nice work buddy! I need to get my ass to the start line of a MTB race this sounds like a great time.

Patrick said...

Logan, Thanks! I gotta try to wake up the blog from it's winter slumber.

Rusty, Yeah dude, you gots to get out and toe the line of a dirt bicycle race! So fun! You'd CRUSH it too. what you doing sunday?