Friday, July 16, 2010

Live from the Rockies

long day, time is now.
put it down, respect sunrise,
RAGE, I am ready

Toasting up some buckwheat to make energy bars. Alex-super-squirrel-recipe

Before I left I had to say goodbye to the Kitties! Here's Seldom, you can tell he's going to miss me bunches.

Oly can be hard to photograph, being that he absorbs light mostly.

Denver airport this morning

Let's do this!

I'm riding the course in this photo, I can't explain why I thought the venue would look nice with a porta-loo in the foreground. It kinda works though...

Last night I drove down to Redmond and stayed with my step-bro and fam. This is Koa. He got this superman outfit 2 weeks ago and has not taken it off since. Beautiful spirit.

Here he is tormenting a tired Uncle Patti. His finger is actually pretty far into my ear. only gross when your grown up I guess.

Kia and I about to do some drawing.

Spencer and Barry, kickin up some dust.

I wish I could say the course was inspiring. At least the views are.

Here is a link to results, maybe some photos later on.

It appears there might even be a live feed of the action??

Event details:

I race at 2:30pm tomorrow


framsa said...

Hi Patrick and Deanna
Just came across this site and enjoyed your photos. Meant to be job searching. Living in Christchurch now, so welcome back to NZ anytime.

all the best Sandra

Patrick said...

Sandra! Great to hear from you! That's exciting you're living in Christchurch now. Please shoot an email to and we'll catch up. we'd love to get down there again!

Best wishes,
Patrick and Deanna